Wednesday, May 22, 2024

The Project Eight Initiative attends the 14th Philippine SME Business Expo 2024: Empowering Initiatives for Growth and Innovation

The 14th Philippine SME Business Expo 2024 was a hotbed of entrepreneurial activity and innovation, bringing together industry leaders, program leaders, and aspiring entrepreneurs to explore new opportunities and foster collaboration. Key figures from the Project Eight Initiative were in attendance, including Edwin "Daddy Ed" Coquilla for the Alternative Learning System (ALS), Vhincel Donn "Vhince" Polinag for Youth Leadership, Loreta "Lorence" Caburnay for Fashion For A Cause, Geeian "Ghie" Gambala for Mental Health, Michelle "Mitch" Velitario for Volunteerism, and Rene "Rhen" Dimaano for Agriculture.

Throughout the expo, these program leaders actively engaged with suppliers and exhibitors, looking for new ideas, innovative products, and strategic partnerships to help their respective initiatives. 

Edwin "Daddy Ed" Coquilla, of Alternative Learning System (ALS), identified potential collaborations with suppliers who provide educational materials and technology solutions tailored to ALS programs. Vhincel Donn "Vhince" Polinag for Youth Leadership investigated opportunities for empowering youth leaders and promoting leadership development initiatives. Loreta "Lorence" Caburnay of Fashion For A Cause collaborated with suppliers who provided eco-friendly materials, ethical production methods, and Fair Trade practices to support the organization's sustainable fashion initiatives. Geeian "Ghie" Gambala for Mental Health connected with exhibitors who offered mental health resources, counseling services, and technology-driven solutions to help mental health programs reach and impact more people. Michelle "Mitch" Velitario connected with several organisations interested in forming partnerships to promote volunteer opportunities, and finally, Rene "Rhen" Dimaano for Agriculture investigated cutting-edge agricultural technologies, sustainable farming practices, and agri-business opportunities to enhance agricultural productivity and rural development.

Overall, the 14th Philippine SME Business Expo 2024 acted as a catalyst for collaboration, innovation, and growth, enabling the Project Eight Initiative and other attendees to gain new insights, form valuable partnerships, and drive positive change in their respective fields.

Ready to join the movement and make a difference? 

Visit The Project Eight’s Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/TheProjectEightInitiative to learn more and get involved! 

Together, let’s empower tomorrow, today.

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