Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Teachers for a Day: MR.DIY and World Vision empower Baseco Youth with 'Brigada Pagbasa'

Volunteers from MR.DIY engaging in fun activities with 34 schoolchildren from the Sen. Benigno Aquino Elementary School during the Brigada Pagbasa last April 22.

It was a memorable Saturday for Alex, one of MR.DIY's employee volunteers, who had been looking for an opportunity to teach young people for quite some time.

He finds fulfillment in seeing students understand and learn from their activities as they form genuine connections with their "teachers for the day."

Meanwhile, employee-volunteer Claire considered it a gift to assist in teaching the children, as she witnessed their appreciation and selflessness, reminding her to be grateful for all of her blessings.

Like Alex and Claire, 16 other employee-volunteers from MR.DIY, a leading home improvement retailer, collaborated with World Vision International to empower youth through the Brigada Pagbasa Program, which took place on Saturday, April 20 at the Baseco Compound in Manila.

As part of MR.DIY's overarching corporate social responsibility program, Acts of Kindness (AOK), the partnership with World Vision recognizes the importance of education in providing a brighter future for children, which is based on one of AOK's core pillars, Youth and Education. 

The program aimed at improving literacy skills was attended by 34 students from Sen. Benigno Aquino Elementary School in grades 4 through 7. These students are currently on track to take a post-test to assess their progress once they have completed all 16 sessions of the Brigada Pagbasa Program. 

Mr. Charles Salecina, Deputy Head of Marketing at MR.DIY Philippines, emphasized the company's commitment to youth education. 

Ms. Mydee David, MR.DIY Philippines’ Head of HR, delivers her remarks for the volunteers and participants of the Brigada Pagbasa program.

Mr. Charles Salecina, MR.DIY Philippines’ Deputy Head of Marketing speaks before school children participating in Brigada Pagbasa.

As part of MR.DIY's overarching corporate social responsibility program, Acts of Kindness (AOK), the partnership with World Vision recognizes the importance of education in providing a brighter future for children, which is based on one of AOK's core pillars, Youth and Education. 

The program aimed at improving literacy skills was attended by 34 students from Sen. Benigno Aquino Elementary School in grades 4 through 7. These students are currently on track to take a post-test to assess their progress once they have completed all 16 sessions of the Brigada Pagbasa Program. 

Mr. Charles Salecina, Deputy Head of Marketing at MR.DIY Philippines, emphasized the company's commitment to youth education. 

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