Sunday, May 26, 2024

"Cervical Cancer: 'Di mo DeCerv": Igniting Hope in the Fight Against Cervical Cancer

To conclude Cervical cancer awareness month, MSD on the Philippines hosts an event to empower women to protect themselves against HPV and cervical cancer.

Cervical cancer is a concern to women's health worldwide, particularly in the Philippines. Every year, more than 8,000 women in the country are diagnosed, and over 4,000 die as a result. Cervical cancer is the second most frequent disease in Filipino women, particularly those aged 15 to 44. These are dreadful numbers for a disease that is mostly avoidable.

MSD, a healthcare company in the Philippines, hosts the "Cervical Cancer: Di mo DeCerv" event to empower women with a deeper understanding of HPV and cervical cancer, emphasizing the importance of prevention and early detection. The event aims to raise awareness and inspire women to Ake proactive steps in order to protect themselves from cervical cancer. Additionally, the event aims to inspire hope and motivate women to prioritize their health

Understanding Cervical Cancer
Cervical cancer is predominantly caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV), which is responsible for 99% of cases. HPV is a common virus that spreads easily through intimate skin-to-skin contact, often without any noticeable symptoms. While many HPV infections clear up on their own, persistent infections with certain types of HPV can cause cervical cancer if left untreated.

The biggest cervical cancer takeaway is this: it's almost completely preventable - something that can't be said in other types of cancer. All thanks to HPV vaccines - cervical cancer is highly preventable.

Di Natin DeCerv ang Cervical Cancer
Cervical Cancer: Di mo DeCerv is attended by medical professionals and health advocates, each with their own stories to tell. Some of the familiar faces, among others, include Andi Manzano and Belay Fernando, both public figures and staunch advocates against the disease.

Andi Manzano-Reyes
Celebrity and influencer Andi Manzano-Reyes shares why she strongly advocates for cervical cancer awareness and prevention. Five months before Andi's wedding, her mother, Rose, was diagnosed with Stage 1B2 cervical cancer after experiencing unexpected bleeding. The diagnosis came as a shock, disrupting their carefree lives. Andi, deeply affected, supported her mother through chemotherapy while managing wedding preparations. Despite the emotional and physical toll, Rose triumphed over the cancer. This experience served as a wakeup call for Andi, and since then she has been a staunch advocate of cervical cancer prevention to protect loved ones from this preventable disease.

Belay Fernando
Bella Fernando de la Cruz, a former player and coach of the Philippine national team for women's football, has dedicated her life to advocating for women's sports. However, her journey took an unexpected turn when she was diagnosed with Stage 3B cervical cancer in 2018. This diagnosis served as a wake-up call, prompting her to reflect on how neglecting her health had led to this preventable disease. Despite initially dismissing concerning symptoms due to her busy lifestyle, Bella soon faced the harsh reality of advanced cervical cancer. Now living with neuropathy, Bella shares her story as a means of giving back, hoping to raise awareness about cervical cancer prevention. Through her advocacy, she aims to empower women to prioritize their health, undergo regular screenings, and get vaccinated, envisioning a future where cervical cancer is no longer a threat.

Through the lens of cervical cancer survivors and advocates, the event brings into sharp focus the real-world impact of prevention and screening. These personal stories share the reality that anyone's life can be touched by cervical cancer and that people should start taking the necessary steps to avoid this disease.

Join The Cause
The Rise Against Cervical Cancer: Di Mo DeCerv event aims to educate the public about HPV and cervical cancer prevention, share inspiring tales from campaigners, and encourage people to join the fight against this avoidable disease. Inform your family and loved ones, visit your doctor about HPV prevention, and contribute to a cervical cancer-free future.

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