Friday, November 10, 2023

UniPass Wallet aims to become a long-term partner of Filipino freelancers by providing convenient and affordable cross-border remittance solutions

“We firmly believe in the unrestricted and seamless flow of assets, empowering individuals and institutions to transcend boundaries effortlessly. Our goal is to help improve the lives of many hardworking Filipinos, especially in managing their finances and global remittances, through the best ways we can. UniPass Wallet will be a long-time partner of Filipino freelancers.” ~Lixin Liu, CEO of Account Labs

UniPass Wallet, which was launched in the Philippines last October by Singapore firm Account Labs, provides more convenient financial solutions for Filipino freelancers and other blockchain enthusiasts.

UniPass Wallet will provide practical solutions to help the local freelancing community and other online gig workers overcome common Filipino freelancer woes in dealing with global remittances, such as high transaction rates and turnaround time delays.

Recognizing the Filipino workforce as global players amidst local distress, UniPass Wallet aspires to be the best cross-border remittance solution and a long-term partner of Filipino freelancers and other blockchain users. 

UniPass Wallet's convenience and efficiency allow users to save time and money, which they can then spend on more important things.

See sample rates among available global remittance platforms in the PH

Another challenge faced by Filipinos is the complexity of obtaining a primary identification card (ID) which other global remittance products require. While the Philippines has various official identification documents, which are subdivided into primary and secondary levels, getting an official primary ID remains difficult for many Filipinos. 

How to Use UniPass:

With UniPass, a smart contract wallet, users can simply use their Google account to set up and log into their Web3 wallet, even with little to zero prior knowledge. Users can easily reload their UniPass wallets with Mastercard or Visa cards, or other digital wallets like GCash or Maya. 

Despite the shift towards digital payments brought by the pandemic, challenges in achieving widespread digital financial inclusion in the Philippines continue to persist. As a result, some Filipinos, especially those situated in rural areas, still prefer cashing out their remittances in offline outlets.

Removing the extra time required by paperwork and high transaction fees from offline stores, UniPass Wallet offers an alternative solution that is cheaper and faster. Filipinos can easily cash out their remittances from UniPass and use them on their priorities at home.

Extending financial access and opportunities for all, UniPass Wallet aims to bridge the digital divide in the Philippines and assist Filipinos in transitioning towards digitalization in finance.

UniPass Wallet will soon tap the biggest online Filipino freelancing community for collaboration to turn its vision in the Philippines into reality.

Learn more at: www.accountlabs.com

About Account Labs 
Account Labs was founded in 2023 from the merger of Keystone (founded 2018) and UniPass (2021), to pioneer world-class Web3 Account Abstraction solutions. The firm aims to democratize access to Web3, welcoming hundreds of millions of users to the space. 

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