Saturday, December 17, 2022

UBX appoints digital transformation and A.I. expert Mario Domingo as new global CTO

“UBX and I share the same passion for digital transformation, knowing full well that it creates a huge impact in the lives of many people. I commit to continuously pursue innovation and lead the development of new solutions that will strengthen our goals towards financial and social inclusion in the Philippines.” ~Mario Domingo, New Global Chief Technology Officer
Mario Domingo as its new Global Chief Technology Officer

UBX, the leading open finance platform in the Philippines, has appointed digital transformation and artificial intelligence expert Mario Domingo as its new Global Chief Technology Officer.

With over three decades of experience under his belt, Domingo is one of the most successful digital transformation executives in the Asia Pacific Region, having played multiple roles in various organizations in Asia and the US. 

Domingo is now responsible for the management of product development and technology services at UBX and will spearhead the company’s platform and ecosystem development initiatives.

“Innovation is at the core of UBX’s existence. Domingo’s vast exposure to and experience in technology will certainly complement and strengthen our continuous pursuit for innovation to promote financial and social inclusion,” ~John Januszczak, UBX President

Prior to his appointment as the new UBX CTO, Domingo was the Asia Pacific Group CTO of the Chicago Board Options Exchange, a high-throughput, high-performance equities trading platform. During his tenure, he successfully built Artificial Intelligence technology businesses and is the founder of DARC Labs, a cancer and diagnostics research center powered by AI.

UBX and I share the same passion for digital transformation, knowing full well that it creates a huge impact in the lives of many people. I commit to continuously pursue innovation and lead the development of new solutions that will strengthen our goals towards financial and social inclusion in the Philippines

With a double Master’s degree in Science in Finance and Economics at the University of Southern California and a certificate degree in Artificial Intelligence from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Computer Science Artificial Intelligence Lab to boot, Domingo is nothing short of a virtuoso in the fields of financial technology, media, telecommunications, health care, manufacturing, and defense. Currently, he is also the director of the Ateneo Institute for Digital Enterprises of the Graduate School of Business.

For more information about the company and this article, please visit www.ubx.ph.

About UBX
Originally the financial technology venture studio and fund of UnionBank of the Philippines, UBX is now the Philippines' leading Open Finance platform. UBX is predicated on a future where financial services are invisible: seamlessly embedded into the experiences and activities that truly matter to businesses and people. For partnerships, email us at hello@ubx.ph

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