Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Pain, Pain Go Away: Different methods to Alleviate Common Movement-related Pain

“Pain, weakness and immobility are shackles that must be broken with a combination of diagnostics, therapeutic interventions, prescription of physical modalities, exercises, pharmaceuticals, orthotics and prosthetics. That is rehabilitation medicine.” ~Dr. Eric Basuil, the current Chairman of the Rehabilitation Medicine Department

Staying Healthy is our main goal and fighting against  today's main concern COVID-19, but other than staying healthy we must also stay strong in our every day lives. Cardinal Santos Medical Center (CSMC) continues its series of health-related Educational Webicons with “Pain, Pain Go Away: A Webicon on Different Methods to Alleviate Common Movement-Related Pain.” With the right knowledge and information, you no longer have to suffer in pain. Experts from Cardinal Santos Medical Center help you conquer your physical limitations, and improve your mobility for a better quality of life. Make your body move the way you want to. Experts on Rehabilitation Medicine of Cardinal Santos Medical Center conducted this timely discussion about Common Movement-Related Pain and how we can alleviate them through different methods. This collective effort aims to increase awareness and provide attendees with tips that are practical to everyone especially those that are spending most of their time working at home.

In the webicon held via ZOOM on July 27, CSMC tapped its top specialists from the Rehabilitation Medicine Department to discuss movement-related pain, what can be done to alleviate it, and the services CSMC offers for a more holistic healing process. The speakers’ panel was composed of Dr. Joanna Macrohon, Dr. Bee Giok Tan-Sales, Dr. Ramil Martinez, and the Chairman of the CSMC Rehabilitation Medicine Department, Dr. Eric Sherwin Basuil.

Opening the webicon, Dr. Macrohon and Dr. Tan-Sales discussed the different types of back pain and knee pain, respectively. As many Filipinos are compelled into a sedentary lifestyle due to the pandemic, this idleness and lack of mobility have caused body pains to many individuals. In order to prevent these afflictions, they dispelled common myths about back and knee pain, and gave advice on how patients can avoid or treat them.

Dr. Joanna G. Macrohon, M.D. - Consultant, Department of Rehabilitation Medicine

Dr. Bee Glok Tan-Sales, M.D. - COnsultant, Department of Rehabilitation Medicine

Meanwhile, in his talk, Dr. Martinez touched on CSMC’s holistic approach for post-stroke therapy, noting that CSMC houses advanced, state-of-the-art facilities such as upper extremity robotics services that allow patients to continue receiving therapy despite the pandemic.

Dr. Romil M. Martinez, M.D. - Consultant, Department of Rehabilitation Medicine

In the webicon, CSMC also invited Mr. Juan Rafael Montaño, a 21-year-old patient who underwent rehabilitation and therapy through the hospital’s program, to give his testimony.

“I came to [CSMC] three times a week for my rehab sessions. Dr. Basuil and the physical therapists were very accommodating and attentive to my concerns. With their help, I was able to [recover], and now I am able to open my hand.”

Mr. Juan Rafael Montaño, a 21-year-old patient who underwent rehabilitation and therapy

Recalling his ordeal, Mr. Montaño shared how he suffered severe neck and back pain caused by a tumor in his spine. After having the tumor removed through surgery, Mr. Montaño found he could no longer open his right hand.

The webicon was rounded off with a Q&A portion for Dr. Macrohon, Dr. Tan-Sales, and Dr. Martinez. Dr. Eric Basuil, the current chairman of the Rehabilitation Medicine Department, took part in the Q&A as well, and synthesized all the points the speakers made throughout the webicon.

Dr. Eric Basuil, the current Chairman of the Rehabilitation Medicine Department

For more information about CSMC’s rehabilitation and therapy services, as well as other services the hospital offers, please visit https://cardinalsantos.com.ph/. CSMC is also on Facebook, like and follow them at www.facebook.com/CardinalSantos

“Medicine may add years to your life, but rehabilitation medicine adds life to those years.”

Cardinal Santos Medical Center (CSMC) is a 269-bed private tertiary hospital located in West Greenhills, San Juan City. The hospital is known for its pioneering and world-class services in the fields of Neurosurgery, Oncology, Rehabilitation Medicine, Cardiology, and Minimally Invasive Surgery. CSMC boasts of some of the most respected medical professionals today with expertise in a variety of specialties, ensuring that patients can access the healthcare that they need and deserve. With a commitment to clinical excellence, and a dedication to compassionate care, CSMC is one of the most sought-after medical institutions in the country today.

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