Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Modern ageing with grace-empowered Kaki Persimmon Soap

“At Kaki, we truly aim to empower ladies to age worry-free. We can keep them flawless so they can have the time and energy to focus on what makes them happy. Our running joke internally is that if you use the Kaki soap, life can begin even beyond 40!” ~KAKI’s Founder and CEO shares her vision for the brand
Asia’s best-kept secret of youthful and firm complexion revealed in the power of Japanese Persimmon.

Numbers that indicate progress in a person’s life can sometimes be daunting especially for women. In fact, age is often left off the table during conversations, but what if it doesn’t have to be? Fortunately, a new soap that empowers ladies to age gracefully is emerging in the Philippines. 

Nonenal among aging people is often caused by hormonal imbalance but with a pure soap that cleanses the body, the smell might as well be a non-issue. This is what KAKI promises as a consumer brand. 

KAKI is a new persimmon-based soap that indulges the body into a regenerated state, away from unwanted odors, discoloration, and firmness of the skin.
“I no longer feel insecure because KAKI takes care of my body. I used to be so conscious of how I smell because I easily sweat. Now because of Kaki, I feel very confident even after a long day in the sun or even working out.” ~Gina, 42, a bachelorette shares what she noticed after a month of continued use of the soap
Unravel the secret of the fountain of youth through this premium fruit found in Japan.

The same sentiment is also observed even in more mature ladies.

“My skin feels very light and plump, and it reminds me of my younger days. My children and even my apos are not taken aback by my smell and they love bonding with me. This means a lot to me now that I can focus on my own grandchildren after teaching in school for decades.” ~Angela, 56, Retired Teacher
New and promising persimmon-based soap is a holy grail for ladies over 40.

Apart from the immediate effects on the body, KAKI also lessens the nonenal on pillowcases and bedsheets of its consumer and detoxifies without stripping the body of its natural oils. It also comes with a feminine foam wash for the sensitive parts of the ladies. 

Kaki keeps the side effects of aging away and assures its users that aging, like coming-of-age, should not have a wisp of embarrassment but a treasured phase of grace and poise.  

*KAKI is available at Shopee and Lazada starting at Php 160 and foam wash at Php 350. 

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