Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Mega Prime’s Search for the Next Prime Mom Today!

Mega Prime and the Prime Mom Club launched the search for the next Prime Mom Club Ambassador. One lucky winner will get a chance to win 100,000 in cash and a year's supply of Mega Prime products. The contest is open for everyone - you can check out the full mechanics by visiting www.primemomclub.com.  

Since its launch in 2018, The Prime Mom Club has been an avenue for moms to improve their parenting and cooking skills through informative and engaging events and workshops. Through the club, moms are given exclusive access to enriching activities featuring experts and celebrities to guide them.  Aside from the fresh content accessible online, exclusive perks, privileges, points, and rewards are given to members exclusively. 

Through the Search for the Next Prime Mom, every mom has a chance to win 100,000 in cash and a year's supply of Mega prime products and more importantly, to be the face of the Prime Mom Club!

Below are the detailed mechanics:
  • Step 1: Record a 1 min creative video.
Be sure to include an introduction of yourself (name, age, city). Proceed with cooking your very own Mega Prime recipe and stating your chosen charity to help.

  • Step 2: Upload your video entry on Youtube.

  • Step 3: Fill out the entry submission form and include the Youtube link of your video entry!

Submission of entries is from November 12 to December 3, 2020.

You can be the next Prime Mom Club Ambassador!

For more information, please visit primemomclub.com and Mega Prime’s Facebook Page.

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