Tuesday, October 6, 2020

The heart of the family: Taking responsibility for your own heart health and spreading awareness, love & support to the family

"It boils down to lifestyle and that starts at home and what we've been exposed to when we were growing up. So if you grow up with unhealthy eating habits, you will really increase the risk of developing hypertension. We run the risk of developing it from the choices we make. So it's not hypertension that's inherited but the unhealthy habits and lifestyle we pick up from our environment, our family. That's why the family is so important in managing these chronic diseases. If you have someone in your immediate family and household with hypertension, you and your other family members may also be at risk of developing it. So lifestyle modification must not just come from an individual level, but also for the entire family." ~Dr. Celine Fider, Bayanihan Host

The pandemic has impacted us in unexpected ways. Its effect is far-reaching, not only because of the virus itself but also due to the questions it raises on our overall health and well-being. Among these are vulnerable patients, such as those with hypertension and other chronic conditions. That is why a holistic and proactive approach to managing our health is vital. 

Last September 29, World Heart Day was celebrated to raise awareness on our cardiovascular health and the chronic conditions that can have serious consequences on our health.

As part of its thrust to build a Healthier Philippines under its Panata ng Pamilya campaign and to help shine the spotlight on these serious health concerns that continue to affect Filipino families even amidst the pandemic, Sanofi Philippines, in partnership with BayanihanMD hosted a special World Heart Day session entitled Happy Heart, Happy Home. 

Among the issues tackled by the webinar is the impact of hypertension among its patients and the important role of the family in managing this chronic disease.

Moreover, guest speaker and cardiologist, Dr. Anna Adora further stresses that while family history may play a role in developing hypertension, it is, first and foremost, a lifestyle disease. 
“One of our objectives in this pandemic is to ensure healthcare access for all patients and that's why we partnered with Sanofi Philippines. Through WeHealth, Sanofi partners up with different platforms to bring healthcare to all; which is the same mission that we, at Bayanihan MD, have.” ~Dr. Karl Ablola, Sanofi Philippines and Bayanihan MD, President and Co-Host

Watch the episode here: https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=261259335101952

Taking responsibility for your own heart health and spreading awareness, love & support to the family

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